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Download Lego star wars wii walkthrough episode 1 chapter 6

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Or Browse by:All| Nintendo DS| PC| PS2| PS3| PSP| Wii| Xbox 360Lego Star Chapher The Complete Sagafor Wii.Also available onPS3 Xbox 360 Nintendo DSPublisher: LucasArtsGenre: ActionRelease Date: Dec 15, 2007ESRB Rating: E10+1UP'S Lego Star Wwlkthrough The Complete Saga Game PageOVERVIEWSUPERGUIDEFAQSCHEATSFORUMGAME HELPVIDEOSIMAGESFILESSuperGuide HelpLego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Walkthrough and Strategy Wiki Legoo 30, 2013nullEpisode I: The Phantom MenaceMay 25, 2011Edit|History|ContributorsChapter epidode NegotationsStarting Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi Added Characters: TC-14 Enemies: Battle Droid, Walkthrouvh Droid (Security), Battle Droid (Commander), DroidekaTrue Jedi at 31,000: A piece of cake.
If you turn right as you go in, you'll find a generator that you can use the Force on to get more than half your total. You can reach your threshold well before the second area.Area 1: Play with whatever you want in here, then use the Force (Z) on the door to bust it down. Saber the droids good, then proceed down the hallway.
Fight more droids, then bust your way through the canisters. You'll find TC-14 at the end, so use the C button to switch to her. Press Z while she stands in front of chapger panel with a protocol droid face on it to open the door. In the next room, have one of your Jedi use Z to put together the panel, then have TC-14 use that one. In the next room, use the Force on the wall grating to remove llego. Chop up the two droids behind it, then press on.Area 2: There are several droids populating this area.
Note the Powerup in the middle of the room. Walkthhrough will grant you great power when attacking and in using your special abilities (Force and building go much faster), as well as invincibility and being able to pick up studs from far away.
As you head to the right, you'll find even more Droids. Smashing them will summon two Droidekas near the force field. Beating them chapher a matter of either pounding them until their shields drop, then hitting them three times, or using one diving saber attack to lower their shields first. Also, there's a STAP in the front of the room that you can put together and use, if you wish.
Also, in the orange bricks on the right side, you'll find a Powerup in one of them. Once the Droidekas are scrap, use the Force on either of the two wall ornaments on the sides of the force field to create platforms. Chaptrr onto them and over.
Have both Jedi stand on the two buttons (if you're playing alone, the CPU will help you with the other Jedi). This removes the force field and scares up some more droids. Waste walkthrougn, then have TC-14 use the panel here. Enter the transport that just wwalkthrough and you're done! Yes, already!New Characters: TC-14 Battle Droid: 6,500 Battle Droid (Security): 8,500 Battle Droid (Commander): 10,000 Droideka: 40,000Of note, beating this mission will open up the first mission of each of the other five episodes.
Chapter 2: Invasion of NabooStarting Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan KenobiAdded Characters: Jar Jar BinksEnemies: Battle DroidTrue Jedi at 44,000: Shouldn't be too hard. Studs are pretty easy to come by, and obvious to find.Area 1: Your path is straight ahead. Droids, Gungans, and others will walkyhrough across your path from the left to the right. Some of the droids will decide to mix it up with you, so oblige them. Eventually, you'll come upon a fallen tree.
Force it up to be able to move on. Next, a droid transport will be blocking your path. Use the Force on the lit-up part of it several times to make it explode. Continue lebo and you'll find Jar Jar stopping to smell the flowers. With him in tow, head up the stone steps.
The mob will cease at this point, so continue to the next area.Area 2: Force the Chapteg face into a bridge, then cross. Switch to Jar Jar on the other side, then use his high double jump to reach the top of the stone, dropping it down to your level. This will uncover a mechanism that you will need to use the Force on to lower another platform. Switch back to Jar Wwii and hop on three more platforms. You'll have to leave that chapted circle for later, as cuapter don't have any bounty hunters.
Press on to the right and the exit.Area 3: Remove the Force-sensitive blocks above you to release a ramp. Climb up and fight your way along to the swamp area and beyond to a second swamp. Switch to Jar Chapger and satr him jump up to the high ledge, following wlakthrough stud trail. At the end, he can stand on a darker stone to make it sink, revealing the passage to the next area.Area 4: There's not much to this area except to press straight ahead and follow the stud chpter into the water to finish the mission.New Characters:Jar Jar Binks, Captain Tarpals: 17,500, Boss Nass: 15,000 Chapter 3: Escape From NabooStarting Characters: Queen Amidala, Captain PanakaAdded Characters: Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Walkthrougb Battle Droid, Battle Droid (Commander)True Jedi 11 48,000: This will probably take until the last area.
Make sure you focus on everything that can be blown. Wasr is a walkthrough of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, made of lego. This is mostly a guide of where all the minikits is and how many coins you must have to get the Super Kits partsDeveloper: Traveller's TalesPublisher: Giant Interactive Entertainment / LucasArtsReleased date: March 29, 2005Recorded with Fraps v3.2.3. Edited/Rendering with Windows Live Movie Maker in 720p (1280x720 px) settings.
Played by NoobScreamer (Xbox Live: webchristian & NoobScreamer. Steam: ScaryHill, christiant1996 & longxiaoyao8. Xfire: noobscreamer)If you want more walkthroughs or gameplays, please subscribe to our channel! Contents� 1 Chapter episove Negotiations� 1.1 Story� 1.2 Free Play� 2 Chapter 2: Invasion of Naboo� 2.1 Story� 2.2 Free Play� 3 Chapter 3: Escape from Naboo� 3.1 Story� 3.2 Free Play� 4 Chapter 4: Mos Espa Podrace� 4.1 Story� 4.2 Free Play� 5 Chapter 5: Retake Theed Palace� 5.1 Story� 5.2 Free Play� 6 Chapter 6: Darth Maul (Boss Battle)� 6.1 Story� 6.2 Free PlayChapter 1: Negotiations [ edit ]Characters unlocked: TC-14 Story [ edit ]The level begins with a cutscene of a space ship landing in a space station.
(among many) Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi get out. Suddenly, their ship is attacked.You start out in a spisode. Jump onto the table and collect the studs. Then attack the objects in the corner for more money.
Optionally, use the Force on the chairs to lego star wars wii walkthrough episode 1 chapter 6 them dance.Once you're done messing around, use the Force on the door to break it. A group of security battle droids will appear, and you'll hear a robotic voice saying, "Intruder alert! Intruder alert!" They'll shoot you with stsr, you can block them by pressing B right before they hit you. Kill them with your lightsaber. Don't worry too much about blocking their shots, attacking also blocks.
(however, it doesn't reflect their shots back at them, it only parries them) If you do get hurt, though, use the Force on pretty much everything around you for hearts. Even if stra didn't, you may want to, anyway, to get money.Then go down the corridor and hit all the switches with the Force for a minikit piece.
Go down the next one and kill the squad of battle droids and hit all those for another minikit piece. Switch with TC-14 (he's friendly) and use his ability to open the door. Hit the switches with the Force for more studs if you want, then open the next door. Break the objects in the corner for more money, then use the Force to open the door to the next room.
Several more security battle droids will appear, kill them all, then jump on top of the lego star wars wii walkthrough episode 1 chapter 6 made from the door. Jump straight up for another minikit piece.
Then proceed.This room is very simple: Kill droids, get money, continue. So kill the droids, get wtar money, and stwr to the right. More droids! Whee. Also, a short cutscene will ensue, showing two Droidekas rolling in to try to kill you. These walkthrrough are trickier - they shoot more lasers, and have shields. They move very slowly, though, unless they roll - which removes the shield.
There's nothing you can do to get them to roll, though, so just attack them wal,through block their blasts until chapger shields wear down. Then a few attacks will kill them easily.Once you're done killing the Droidekas, sgar the Force on the two objects to the right and left of the force field.
They'll turn into platforms, allowing you to get to the other side, and hit the switches. One last squad of battle droids appears. Wipe them out, then hit the switch and enter the ship.A cutscene ensues, showing Obi-Wan sneaking in the ship, and Qui-Gon sighing at him.Congratulations! You just beat the first chapter and unlocked Episode II and III!
Free Play [ edit ]It's the first level in the game, yet has a very difficult superkit piece. In order to get it, you have to get almost every stud in the level. Enter every single extra room, regardless of whether or not you need the minikit pieces.
Use the Force on anything and everything, and destroy everything and every single droid. With any luck, you'll get enough studs by the time you reach the end. Chapter 2: Invasion of Naboo [ edit ]Characters unlocked: Jar Jar Binks Story [ edit ]The chapter begins with a short cutscene showing Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon jump off of an Cha;ter.
(multi-troop transport)From the start, go forward, following the studs. Wield your ligthsaber, as enemies will attack you. Once you arrive at a fallen tree, use the Force to move it out of your way. You'll be greeted with more battle droids. Then, you'll see another MTT. Use the Force on it three times chapted make it explode, (but don't get too close or you'll be burned) and continue forward.A cutscene will ensue, showing Jar Jar Binks sniffing a flower and almost getting run over by an MTT.
Qui-Gon will save him, and then lead him to another area. Go up the stairs to yet another area. Then go to the right until you reach a gap. Use the Force on the LEGO pieces on the wall to make a bridge, and go across, where a battle droid is waiting for you. Kill it, then switch with Jar Jar to reach the high platform.
It will fall down, letting the two Jedi reach it. Switch with one of them and use the Force on the switch in the wall to make a platform appear. Jump onto it and from there, the walkthrougu platform. Then, use the Force on the small LEGO structure in the wall for money. Switch with Jar Jar to reach the next platform. Hidden behind epizode next is a battle droid - you may want episodw switch with one of the Jedi and use the Force on it before jumping onto the platform.
Then, there will be two more battle droids. Kill them and use the Force on the structure above you. Switch with Jar Jar to jump toGames� PlayStation 4 PlayStation 3 PlayStation 2 PlayStation PS Vita PSP� Dhapter One Xbox 360 Xbox� Wii Wii U 3 DS Nintendo DS Nintendo 64 Gameboy Adv. Gameboy GameCube SNES NES� iPhone / iPad Android PC FaceBook Mac Dreamcast Arcade DVD Game Guides� All Guides More Walkthroughs Cheats, Hints and Codes Questions and AnswersRecent Guide Updates� Star Ocean 5: Integrity and Faithlessn.
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Second is when darth maul jumps up onto the platforms with the minikits above them don't use the force against the platform. One more hidden one is a bit hard to explain lego star wars wii walkthrough episode 1 chapter 6 I will try.
When you start the chatper he walkfhrough throwing stuff at you, get past him, and then instead of going through the big door go up the platforms on either side of it (force needed), then use r2-d2 (or the red r2-d2) to open the door. You will have to kill lots of droids and droideka's.
After that on the floor there are about 12 switches. Stepo on all of them and a minikit will appear. Well those are the only ones that I re,ember so hope that helps. This is to report a problem with the comment to the staff for moderation. It does not reply to the comment.To reply please close this box and use the 'Add a comment' box below.Why are you reporting this comment? Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for woi ONLY.
If you want to ask a question for this game, please use the ask a question box stwr is above on the right.B i u Size Color Strike Spoiler Quote Align Link List Add Pic Add VideoBB Codes GuideAccept submission terms View TermsYou are not registered / logged in.If you would like to ne notified if/when cbapter have added this answer to the site lego star wars wii walkthrough episode 1 chapter 6 enter your email address.We will only use this address to email the confirmation for this answer. You are not registered / logged in.If you would like to receive waklthrough email to let you know if/when we have added this question to the site please enter your email address.We will only use this address to email the confirmation for this question.
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Here Comes the Pain� WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2011 � Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2016. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service.Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. These are not usually tested by us (because rpisode are so many), so please use them at your own risk. In this level you�ll need a War, Bounty Hunter, Sith, High Jumper,�and Imperial.First TimeIgnore the handles on the side walls (all they�ll do is cause droids to attack) and start fighting Darth Maul.
Wzrs the shots by the droids surrounding him, then Force back whatever he tries to Force at you. You�ll have to do this three times to make Darth Maul retreat and reach the other side. Once he�s gone, Force together the pieces that are hanging in the air to make a bridge. After crossing, go to the starfighter on your left and Force the pieces on the ground to make it hover, then jump on top to reach a Canister.
Do the same to the starfighter on the right for another Canister.In the next area, you�ll be chasing Darth Maul across some metal-grated ledges.
Go right, then jump str the higher ledge and the next higher one. Jump across the gap to where you�ll see a wiii point, then jump up to the next highest ledge. Force the platform out of the wall and jump onto it, jump to the next ledge, then Force the next platform out of the wall. Follow the final ledge to reach the next area.Go forward and jump onto the platform, then jump from the end of that platform to the one Darth Maul is standing on. He�ll immediately run away, leaving you to deal with a bunch of droids.
They�ll keep coming until you destroy the ones at the ends that are calling more in, so try to get rid of those ones as quickly as possible. Two platforms wii Droidekas epiosde appear shortly afterward, which you must destroy by deflecting their shots back at them. Before jumping on the buttons that are left behind to enter the next area, go to the platform with the beam to your front right and go inside of the beam. Ride the whole way up to get a Canister.
Now you can jump on the buttons with your partner and enter the next area.For this part, it�s basically just a team effort. You Force down one handle, your partner Forces down the other, and it lets you through to the next area. You�ll do this four times before reaching the final room stxr final battle with Darth Maul.The battle is pretty straightforward: you hit him, he runs away, he comes back, repeat.
After he�s down to�four or five�hearts, he�ll build a platform and jump on it so you can�t reach him, then Force objects at you. Just Force them back, he�ll build another platform and Force more objects at you, and jump down when you Force them back again.
Dars you�ll get to finish him walktgrough, ending the level and all of Episode I.Free PlayIn the first area, before entering the second area, hop on one of the sides of the elevator and Force your partner up, while he�ll do the same to you.
Use an Imperial to unlock the panel and go into the secret room. You�ll be attacked by numerous droids and Droidekas, and once they�re all defeated, you can work on getting the two collectibles here. The Power Brick � Force Grapple Leap can be earned by stepping on all ten of the black buttons on the floor, quickly. The Canister must be achieved using a Sith character to Force the six lights on the wall.In the second area, use the grappling point about three ledges up to reach the top of the structure, littered with tons of coins.
Go the whole way to the right, destroy the droids, then jump epsiode the yellow elevator and use the Force on the gear until you can reach the Canister above. By staying on the lowest ledge the whole way around, you�ll eventually come to a metal barrier. Have a Bounty Hunter use a thermal detonator on the wall to get the Canister behind it.After entering the third area, go to the left and you�ll find an Imperial panel.
Use it, then quickly jump on the black circular platform to your right to be carried to it.In the final area, use a High Jumper to dhapter on the platform to the right of the str you came in for a Canister. Darth Maul will eventually�build a different dars to Force objects at you,�which you can use the High Jumper on�to reach another Canister once he gets down. He�ll�build another platform, which will let episodw get the final Canister.ChallengeIn Challenge mode, the level plays wats usual, but you must collect ten blue Canisters walkthroug your time limit of ten minutes runs out.
The level will end as soon as you collect the final Canister. These are not found in the same areas as the white Canisters of regular gameplay, but are as follows:� As soon as you enter the level, go to the left.� Force the left starfighter�s pieces on, then Force the handles on either side of it.
The Canister will be outside of the door once it opens.� Go up the elevators and use an Imperial to get into the secret room, where you�ll find the next Canister.� Use�a Bounty Hunter�s thermal detonator on the metal wall after following the bottom ledge in the second area.� Use a grappling character to grapple up from the walkthdough ledge, then go to the left.� In the third area, go to the left area with the droids and jump to the very back.� Hop onto the front right platform with the beam and ride up the beam.
The CaniBuilding on the success of both LEGO Star Wars videogames, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga enables families to play through the events of all six Star Wars movies in one videogame for the first time ever. From the Trade Federation's "negotiations" with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace to the space battle above Endor in Return of the Jedi, The Complete Saga allows players to kick some brick through 36 Story Mode levels, including Episode II's newly added high-speed pursuit of bounty hunter Zam Wessell.
Traveller's Tales has revamped levels from the original LEGO Star Wars to match the gameplay evolutions found in LEGO Star Wars II, and Prequel Trilogy characters can now be mixed and matched with those from the Original Trilogy - more than 160 in all. Features include new playable characters, etar upgraded character customizer, and new bonus wpisode Traveller's TalesPublisher: LucasArtsReleased date: October 13 2009Recorded with Fraps v3.5.0.
Edited/Rended with Windows Live Chaprer Maker in 720p (1280x720 px) settings. Played by CrupZound (Xbox Live: Nooblovit & NoobScreamer. Steam: ScaryHill, christiant1996 & longxiaoyao8. Chaptet noobscreamer. PSN: Nooblovit)LIKE US ON FACEBOOK:https://www.facebook.com/NooblovitFOLLOW US ON TWITTER:https://twitter.com/#!/nooblovitPlayer:https://www.youtube.com/user/CrupZoundhttps://www.twitter.com/#/CrupZoundIf you want more walkthroughs or gameplays, please subscribe to our channel! Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga Walkthrough Episode 1 Chapter 6 Darth Maul 360/PS3/WiiPlaylist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list.~~ Technical ~~Created by - CasualgamerreedCapture - Hauppauge 1212 HD-PVRSoftware - Sony VegasTwitter - https://twitter.com/realcasualreed ������� �� �������� ���� ����� chapterr ���������������� Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga Walkthrough������ 1������ 6����� ������ 11.01.13����������� 15:41���������� ���� � ������� ������� ��������� ����˳������ ���������� ������ YouTube�������� ����� �������� ����� 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox chqpter Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. FAQ/Walkthrough by Houjix82More for LEGO Star Wars (PS2):� FAQs and Walkthroughs (7)� FAQ/Walkthrough (GC) by monkeydance994� FAQ/Walkthrough by Syonyx� FAQ/Walkthrough (GC) by KamiKaZe_ChiNo� Boss FAQ (GC) by The_Enthusiast� See walkfhrough FAQs� Cheats and Secrets (52)� Answers (9)� What is the code for darth vader?� How do I get the mini kit in Episode 3 chapter 4?� Canisters in droid factory?� Ask your own question!� Reviews (24)� Message Board MMMM XMMMMMMM MMMMMMM MMMMMMM:XMMMB0MM; MMMMWMMWMMMMMMMWMMMWMMMM2MMMMWMMWMMMMM MMMM MM MMM.
Table of Contents============================================================================0. Table of Contents1. Legal Information2. Introduction3. BasicsA. Screen Set-upB. In-Game ControlsC. CombosD. DeathE. CollectablesF. Free Play ModeG. Dexster's DinerH. Hints4. Basic Story Mode Walkthrough- Episode IA. Chapter chapyer - NegotiationsB. Chapter 2 - Invasion of NabooC. Chapter 3 - Escape From Episods.
Chapter 4 - Mos Espa PodraceE. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed PalaceF. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul- Episode IIG. Chapter 1 - Discovery on KaminoH. Chapter 2 - Droid FactoryI. Chapter 3 - Jedi BattleJ. Walkthroughh 4 - Gunship CavalryK. Walkthrokgh 5 - Count Dooku- Episode IIIL. Chapter 1 - Battle Over CoruscantM.
Chapter 2 - Chancellor in PerilN. Chapter 3 - General GrievousO. Chapter 4 - Defense of KashyyykP. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the JediQ.
Chapter 6 - Darth Vader5. Characters6. True Jedi Status7. Secret Level Walkthrough8. Lego CanistersA. OverviewB. Picking Your Team- Episode IC. Chapter 1 - NegotiationsD. Chapter 2 - Invasion of NabooE.
Chapter 3 - Escape From NabooF. Chapter 4 - Mos Espa PodraceG. Chapter 5 - Retake Theed PalaceH. Chapter 6 - Darth Maul- Episode III. Chapter 1 - Discovery on KaminoJ. Chapter 2 - Droid FactoryK. Chapter 3 - Jedi BattleL. Chapter 4 - Gunship CavalryM. Chapter 5 e;isode Count Dooku- Episode IIIN. Chapter 1 - Battle Over CoruscantO. Chapter 2 - Chancellor in PerilP.
Chapter 3 - General GrievousQ. Chapter 4 - Defense of KashyyykR. Chapter 5 - Ruin of the JediS. Chapter 6 - Darth Vader9. Extras10. Dark Jedi Objects11. Completion Checklist12. GlitchesA. Import CharacterB. Import ExtraC. Infinite StudsD. Defeat Vader Glitch13. CodesA. Character CodesB. Extras Codes14. Frequently Asked Questions15. Revision History16. Acknowledgements============================================================================1. Copyright Information============================================================================This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except forpersonal, private use.
It may not be placed on any web site or otherwisedistributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guideon any other web site or as a part of any public display chaptwr strictlyprohibited, and a violation of copyright.Copyright 2005 Justin Lang.============================================================================2. Introduction============================================================================Welcome to Lego Star Wars.
In Lego Star Wars you will play throughEpisodes I, II walkthrouggh III of the Star Wars saga . but with Legos. It is atruly unique experience.Ultimately, the game is a platformer. As far as platformers go, this str isfairly well put together. It has decent graphics, good controls, short loadtimes and great flavor.
Platformers are scarce chpter the Star Wars universe,so we take what we can get. Does anyone remember Jedi Power Battles? Wlkthrough was a mess but I still cherish it because it is one of the few StarWars platformers o
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